Instructions for using the TeamUpIT Events calendar and Rockademy Courses calendar

This calender is a read-only view on the TeamUpIT events. It is not possible to add or remove events from this calendar; you can edit the events on TeamUpIT with the appropriate permissions.
You can subscribe to the TeamUpIT events in Outlook! See the animation below to learn how to add the TeamUpIT events iCalendar to your Outlook calendar!

Instructions for adding TeamUpIT events calendar to Outlook

The URLs below represents the iCalendar links for ALL TeamUpIT events and filtered TeamUpIT events by category.
Copy a link and use this to add the iCalendar to Outlook or your favorite app as an Internet Calendar Subscription.

You can use more than one category, combined with comma; for example: Chapter Data,Tribe Cloud & DevOps

Want to consume TeamUpIT events JSON yourself? See the WebAPI Swagger:

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